2010年2月17日 星期三

二月十七日 -- 新年

1/2(一) -- home?
2/2(二) -- dine w/ old friends @石澗TST, 馬民娟SamMandy, thx all; thx S for 喇叭, food ok, card version monopony quite interesting
3/2(三) -- back home dine
4/2(四) -- home?
5/2(五) -- MK, vegetarian w gu, stomach extreme bad
6/2(六) -- lunch n K @ KT with ConnieCarlMartin, thx all; back home dine, stomach still bad
7/2(日) -- lunch w/ P, watched 綿衣衛, 普通; dine w/ Lily maggie and P
8/2(一) -- lunar bday for me, dine w/ P @ Shatin
9/2(二) -- forget, back home?
10/2(三) -- forget, back home?
11/2(四) -- dine w/ P
12/2(五) -- crazy, SZ花市sms
13/2(六) -- home and move things to 7th Block. mum back to China
14/2(日) -- 初一, out for morning, afternoon home執野, hea & sleep @ 7th Block sms
15/2(一) -- 初二, home, 執野, hea & sleep @ 7th Block sms
16/2(二) -- 初三, afternoon go to visit grandmother, then 7th Block 執野&hea sms
17/2(三) -- work again, stomach back and forth, still not so good, back home dine

究竟朋友噶定義係咩呢? 點先算係真正噶朋友呢? 要去到咩程度先算係真正噶朋友呢?
究竟承諾噶定義係咩呢? 邊d先算係要守噶承諾呢? 定係唔使守噶已經唔係承諾呢?
究竟拍拖噶定義係咩呢? 咩野係拍拖要做同唔好做噶野呢? 定係想點就點就算呢?

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